Hammer Unions
HAMMER UNIONS Enquiry Fig 50 UnionFIG 50 UNION Enquiry 500 Psi CWPFIG 50 UNION - 500 PSI CWP Available Part Size : 5" EnquiryShow ShowFig 100 UnionFIG 100 UNION Enquiry 1000 Psi CWPFIG 100 UNION - 1000 PSI CWP Available Part Size : 2", 2½", 3", 4", 5", 6", 8" EnquiryShowShowFig 200 UnionFIG 200 UNION
Swivel Joints
SWIVEL JOINTS Enquiry Swivel Joints OverviewSWIVEL JOINTS OVERVIEW Available in sizes 3/4" through 3" up to 15,000 PSI non-shock cold working pressure, Sara Swivel Joints offer the following features... * Minimum flow restriction. * Heavy duty hex head style ball loading plug. * Grease retainer ring (ensures clean ball race). * Standard packing units...
Other Products
OTHER PRODUCTS Sara also manufactures Flange to Wing Adapters, Wing to Wing Adapters, Flanged Tees and Crosses and an assortment of other products having usage in varied oilfield applications. Enquiry